The Journey Begins

Hello friends!

My passion for skincare has always been a secret one to all but those few who know me best. I have quietly nurtured it always hoping to find something transformative, as the explorers of old search for El Dorado.

As my obsession has grown into a collection of products, like little jewels strewn in the cave of wonders, I have accumulated a treasure trove of knowledge. What works? What doesn’t? What’s is worth the hype…and the money?

Recently I’ve also found that, historically, blogs, articles and write ups have focussed on a consumer that doesn’t always look much like me; 30 something, hormonal ravaged by pregnancy, and a generically hyperpigmented woman of colour. Thankfully the tide is now changing and there are a growing number of contributions from all ages, colours and identities on the LGBTQ spectrum. I hope to add my unique voice to the chorus.

Now, with the benefit of idle hands during 3 am breastfeeds, I have the opportunity to share what I’ve learnt. While this blog isn’t only for my demographic, I can only write from that experiential viewpoint. However I hope there are commonalities that anyone can access and find useful, interesting and informative.

I’m so excited to share my experiences with you. Happy reading everyone. 💫

Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness — D.H. Lawrence

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